Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Fun Theory

What do you get when you combine fahrvergnügen with the movie Big? Why, a full size keyboard coming out of the Odenplan subway station, that's what.

The stunt is an advertising campaign called "rolighets teorin" (or "The Fun Theory" in English), by DDB of Stockholm for Volkswagen. The idea behind the ads is to show how you can encourage people to behave more responsibly if you make it fun for them to do so. Really, though, what they show is that you can change people's behavior by making it fun - the behaving responsibly part doesn't enter into the people's thinking at all, which is the point, I suppose, isn't it?

Yes, the piano really plays, just watch the video (left). They also have an experiment with the world's deepest garbage can (below).

TecheBlog (via Fark) (Photo)
Creativity Online
The Fun Theory

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